This page’s purpose is to inform new and upcoming changes to Info users need to know will be posted here. If you need anything else please inform us through our social channels or by email

  • 12/14/2019:
    – Users should know by now that our video servers continued to experience failure. We’ve been searching for a viable method to  replace  these servers with a more long-term solution. We’ve been testing the new video delivery system and it should be ready on-site in a few days. I hope everyone will understand and bear with us during this time.
  • 1/3/2019:
    – Replaced Facebook comment to Disqus Comment (which should’ve been done sooner tbh). Reason is because Facebook’s comment API does not allow us to archive comments as well as does not notify users of new replies. As a result, all Facebook comments are removed with no way of keeping or migrating them. Sorry about that.


  • 11/12/2018:
    – Upgraded from HTTP to HTTPS. What this means is that is now more secured than ever. Nothing will affect to user’s experience except subscription list is now depreciated and will need to be changed to a new subscription list. Please re-subscribe if you wish to receive Kawaiifu’s new anime updates. How? When you are on the website, there will be a prompt for you to subscribe or you can simply click the bell when shown:

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